Sunday, November 16, 2008


Angry Pakistan Tells America: 'Stop Launching Missile Strikes Over Our Territory' as 20 More Die
October 29, 2008 - 13:57

Frustrated Pakistani officials have ordered the U.S. to stop firing pilotless missiles over their territory.

Pakistan summoned the U.S. ambassador early this morning to protest the missile strikes, led by pilotless U.S. aircraft on the Pakistani side of its border with Afghanistan.

America has increased the number of strikes into the country in an increasingly desperate attempt to halt the intensifying insurgency in Afghanistan. Hampered by a lack of cooperation and communication with locals, U.S. officials recently decided to resort to more missile attacks in the battle against the Taliban and al Qaeda.

There have been more than a dozen missile strikes and a commando raid since the beginning of September.

No senior al Qaeda or Taliban commanders have been reported killed in the attacks.

But with scores of civilians - many of them children - also dying in the attacks, as well as the damage done to property, Pakistan - once the U.S.'s strongest Middle Eastern ally in the war on terror - is demanding a halt.

Pakistan never gave the U.S. permission to carry out the attacks. Two days ago missiles fired by a suspected U.S. drone killed up to 20 militants in the lawless South Waziristan border region. Coming hard on the heels of repeated attacks with civilian casualties, the Pakistani government decided to reassert itself.

"It was underscored to the ambassador that the government of Pakistan strongly condemns the missile attacks which resulted in the loss of precious lives and property," a Foreign Ministry spokesman said in a statement.

"It was emphasised that such attacks were violation of Pakistan's sovereignty and should be stopped immediately."

U.S. ambassador Anne Patterson had previously been summoned to the Foreign Ministry last month after a cross-border ground assault by U.S. commandos on Sept. 3.

Senior U.S. officials have spoken of respect for Pakistani sovereignty but have declined to rule out more strikes.

Pakistan, an important ally in the U.S.-led war on terror, is also battling militants on its side of the border but it says cross-border U.S. strikes undermine its efforts to isolate the militants and build support for government policy against them.

The upper house Senate adopted a resolution this week condemning cross-border missile attacks by the U.S. drones.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Information Clearing House NewsletterNews You Won't Find On CNN
November 13, 2008

"If those in charge of our society - politicians, corporate executives, and owners of press and television - can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power. They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves.": Howard Zinn, historian and author = "The point of public relations slogans like "Support our troops" is that they don't mean anything... That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything. Its crucial value is that it diverts your attention from a question that does mean something: Do you support our policy? That's the one you're not allowed to talk about.": Noam Chomsky === Click here to read this newsletter online ===

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq "1,284,105"


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America'sWar On Iraq 4,196

The War And Occupation Of Iraq Costs

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=== Paulson the Bungler By Mike Whitney There's more pain to come, but the suffering can be mitigated by sound decision-making and Keynesian policies. That means public work programs, bankruptcy reform, and extensions on unemployment. Nobel prize winner Paul Krugman recommends a stimulus package of $600 billion. That's a good start, but it will take much more than that. === Crisis Is Beyond The Reach of Traditional Solutions By Paul Craig Roberts I cannot predict the future. However, I can explain what the problems are, how they differ from past times of troubles, and why traditional remedies, such as the public works programs that Reich proposes, are unlikely to succeed in reviving the U.S. economy. === A Credit Crisis or a Collapsing Ponzi Scheme? The Two Trillion Dollar Black Hole By PAM MARTENS
Bloomberg News reporter, Mark Pittman, filed a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA) with the Federal Reserve asking for detailed information relevant to whom the central bank was giving these massive loans and precisely what securities these firms were posting as collateral. === Who Got Bailout Money So Far? By Reuters The Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) has so far committed the following funding: === U.S. Military Fails To Learn An Ancient Military Lesson No Industrial Economy Equals No Army By Richard McCormack It wasn't long ago that the world watched the collapse of the Soviet Empire. At the time, the USSR had a mighty military force that was overextended throughout the world and was bogged down in Afghanistan. Within a flash in 1989, the Soviet Union came tumbling down, not because it could not produce tanks and nuclear warheads, but because it couldn't produce bread. The collapse happened so rapidly it even surprised the U.S. intelligence community. === Obama and the Crisis of Expecation By Shamus Cooke As the economic crisis deepens, Obama's first priority will be to save the financial institutions and major corporations by providing them with further bailouts, with working people continuing to foot the bill. But opposition has already broken out in response to this perversion of justice: === Et tu Obama:
Who will your Appointees Serve-Israel or America? By Mohamed Khodr Despite warnings from our founding fathers against the corruptive influence of a minority "faction/special interest group", our government has nevertheless surrendered, pandered, implemented, paid and died for the vital interests of a small foreign nation, Israel. === In Case You Missed It Why Do You Kill Zaid? By Jürgen Todenhöfer The West is much more violent than the Muslim world. Millions of Arab civilians have been killed since colonialism began. === The Making of an Insurgent By Stuart Archer Cohen We all complain about politics, but have you ever wondered what makes a person pick up a gun and start violently resisting the government? === Obama and Latin America Video - Riz Khan Interviews Former President of Costa Rica, José María Figueres. A free trade agreement with the US has failed to materialise, aid to Latin America has been dwindling and the symbolic distance between North and South took a physical form with the construction of a wall along the border between the US and Mexico. === Could the First World War have been stopped? By George Monbiot. Faced, earlier in the century, with the possibilities of peace, the old men of Europe had decided that they would rather kill their children than change their policies. === 19 killed in attack on U.S. convoy in Afghan market: Anti occupation forces, struck Thursday in the east of the country when an American military convoy was attacked in a crowded market, killing one soldier and 18 civilians, according to the United States military and Afghan police officials. === Karzai to brief PM on secret Taliban talks: The Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, will today brief Gordon Brown on talks being held with the Taliban with the aim of ending the conflict in his country, The Independent has learnt. === Taleban bring new fear to Peshawar: The city of Peshawar in north-west Pakistan faces a heightened threat from Islamist militants barely five months after a military operation cleared them from its outskirts. === Pakistan incurred $34.5 bn losses in war against terror: FM: Pakistan suffered huge losses, amounting to US $34.5 billion, since 2001 for its role in the war against terror and wants regional ownership of the crisis in a bid to bring peace and stability to the troubled region, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said Wednesday. === China provides USD 500 million assistance to Pakistan: - Amid looming economic crisis forcing the country to look towards tough IMF bailout package, Chinese government has agreed to extend USD 500 million financial assistance to Pakistan. === Iran condemns kidnapping of diplomat in Pakistan: The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Thursday condemned the kidnapping of an Iranian diplomat in Pakistan, saying that the abduction was an act of "terror." === 3 Christian women killed, wounded in Mosul: Two Christian women were killed and another one, from the same family, was injured in an armed attack in northern Mosul, a police source said. === 2 gunmen killed in Ninewa: Two gunmen on Thursday were killed when they were attempting to carry out a suicide attack, western Ninewa, said a security source from the province. === Iraqi soldier who killed US soldiers was mocked, witnesses say: The Iraqi soldier who killed 4 US soldiers on Wednesday was acting in anger after the Americans mocked him while he was praying, witnesses told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa Thursday. === Bulgaria to pull troops from Iraq at end of year: Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev said Thursday after a Cabinet meeting that "the presence of the Bulgarian military contingent on a humanitarian mission in Iraq ends on Dec. 31." === Who is Paying for the Iraqi National Intelligence Service?: The history of the Iraqi intelligence service is important because it shows the real distribution of power in Iraq rather than the spurious picture presented by President Bush. === Israel forces UN to suspends food distribution in Gaza: The United Nations announced it was suspending food distribution to half of Gaza's 1.5 million people on Thursday after Israel failed to allow emergency supplies into the Palestinian territory. === Israel blocks foreign media from Gaza: Israel has barred foreign journalists from entering the Gaza Strip for a week, in a move media have assailed as a serious violation of press freedom. === Peres lauds Saudi king peace plan: The Saudi plan, proposed in 2002, calls for Israel to withdraw from occupied land in exchange for Arab recognition === UN says Congolese troops raped, pillaged: Hundreds of Congolese soldiers rampaged through several villages in eastern Congo, raping women and pillaging homes as they pulled back ahead of a feared rebel advance, the U.N. reported Tuesday. === Reports: Kremlin rejects US missile defense: The Kremlin has rejected a second set of U.S. proposals offered to assuage increasingly strident Russian criticism of plans for an American missile-defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic, news agencies reported Wednesday. === Russia offers US 'Zero Option' on nukes: Russia has offered to withdraw its nuclear missiles from European countries should the United States embark on the same move.§ionid=351020602 === Germany falls into recession: The figures indicate that Germany is in its worst recession for at least 12 years as the global financial problems curb exports and spending. === U.S. Foreclosure Filings Rose as Home Prices Fell: More than a quarter million U.S. households received a foreclosure filing in October even as state laws designed to protect property owners from losing their homes slowed the pace of defaults, RealtyTrac Inc. said. === 85,000 homes lost to foreclosure in October: As government and industry scrambled to stem the housing crisis, another 84,868 homes were lost to foreclosure in October, according to a report released Thursday. === Soros says deep recession inevitable, depression possible: Said hedge funds will be "decimated" by the current financial crisis and forced to shrink their portfolios by 50-75 percent. === Bush defends free market amid 'awful' US jobless figures: More than 500,000 Americans lost their jobs last week, representing the fastest rise in US unemployment since the terrorist attacks of 2001. ===

Let us work towards Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Information Clearing House NewsletterNews You Won't Find On CNN
November 04, 2008

"There are men - now in power in this country - who do not respect dissent, who cannot cope with turmoil, and who believe that the people of America are ready to support repression as long as it is done with a quiet voice and a business suit": John Lindsay =
We live in oppressive times. We have, as a nation, become our own thought police; but instead of calling the process by which we limit our expression of dissent and wonder "censorship," we call it "concern for commercial viability.": David Mamet =
"The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all objectivity - much less dissent"": Gore Vidal =
Resistance is feasible even for those who are not heroes by nature, and it is an obligation, I believe, for those who fear the consequences and detest the reality of the attempt to impose American hegemony." : Noam Chomsky

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq "1,273,378"


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America'sWar On Iraq 4,189

The War And Occupation Of Iraq Costs

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=== The End of International Law? By Robert Dreyfuss A parallel new Bush doctrine is emerging, in the last days of the soon-to-be-ancien regime, and it needs to be strangled in its crib. === Silence on War Crimes By Andy Worthington I can only note that it's a sad indictment of a country's state of mind when the ruling administration has been devoted to dictatorial powers and war crimes, but an election campaign comes and goes as though it had never happened. === Bush's Last 100 Days the Ones to Watch By Jesse Jackson Bush and Vice President Cheney represent a failed conservative era -- and they know it. As the administration moves into its last 100 days, there seems to be a flurry of activity: regulations to forestall Obama's new era of accountability; a flood of contracts to reward friends and lock in commitments; a Wall Street bailout that is pumping money out the door. === Misconceptions Of Obama Fuel Republican Campaign 2 Minute Video Misconceptions and rumours abound and many voters have their facts about the candidates all wrong. Some believe that Democrat Barack Obama is a Muslim, for instance. Casey Kauffman talked to some Republican supporters after a rally by Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, in Ohio. === Only Nader Is Right on the Issues By Chris Hedges Sen. Barack Obama's vote to renew the Patriot Act, his votes to continue to fund the Iraq war, his backing of the FISA Reform Act, his craven courting of the Israeli lobby, his support of the death penalty, his refusal to champion universal, single-payer not-for-profit health care for all Americans, his call to increase troop levels and expand the war in Afghanistan, his failure to call for a reduction in the bloated and wasteful defense spending and his lobbying for the huge taxpayer swindle known as the bailout are repugnant to most of us on the left. Nader stands on the other side of all those issues. === In Case You Missed It "Hacking Democracy" Must Watch Video "On Tuesday, 40 percent of voters will cast ballots on electronic touch-screens. If you're not worried already about the dangers of paperless voting, this HBO documentary will blow your mind." === Protecting Democracy Must Watch 22 Minute Video Report In 2006, Sarasota County's election suffered 18,412 lost votes, votes that were apparently cast, but never recorded by voting machines. === Pakistan: 18 Taliban killed in Bajaur strikes: Four Taliban died in artillery shelling in different areas of Mamond tehsil on Monday morning, while 14 Taliban were killed in bombing by jet fighters in the afternoon, officials said. === Suicide Bomber Kills 1, Wounds 7 in Northwestern Pakistan: Police in northwestern Pakistan say a suicide bomber detonated an explosives-filled car at a security post Tuesday, killing a Pakistani soldier and wounding at least seven others. === Zardari seeks urgent Saudi funds: Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has arrived in Saudi Arabia on a two-day visit to seek assistance for Pakistan's cash-strapped economy. === Intelligence official, militants killed in Afghanistan: Gunmen on a motorbike killed an intelligence officer in the city of Kandahar on Monday evening, and US-led coalition troops killed two militants while a civilian was injured in an ISAF firing on his vehicle in southern Afghanistan, security officials said, Tuesday === U.S. civilian kills Afghan after fire attack: A U.S. civilian shot dead an Afghan civilian who tried to set fire to another American on Tuesday, the U.S. military said. === Afghan Officials Helped Taliban Attack U.S. Soldiers: An Afghan police chief and district governor helped Taliban militants attack a U.S. outpost in eastern Afghanistan that killed nine American soldiers, the New York Times said, citing a military report on the incident. === Pakistan, Afghanistan to seek contacts with militants: Pakistani and Afghan officials and tribal leaders agreed Tuesday to make contact with Taliban militants in an attempt to end the raging insurgent violence along their porous border. === 15 Killed In Baghdad Bomb Attacks : Bombs exploded at a bus station and a small market in Baghdad, killing 15 people and wounding 29 others on Tuesday, police and hospital officials said. === MP: Ayatollah's SOFA conditions not met: An Iraqi lawmaker says none of the conditions set by Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani for signing the US-Iraq security pact have been met.§ionid=351020201 === Iraqi Ministry of Defense ready to replace US occupation force: Deputy Head of the parliamentary committee of security and defense on Monday said that Iraqi Ministry of Defense's military commanders announced that they are ready to replace Multi National Forces (MNF) throughout Iraq, in case a security pact is not agreed upon with the U.S. === Syria asks foreign staff of U.S. institutions to leave country: Syrian authorities have asked the staff of the American school and cultural center in Damascus to leave Syria within 48 hours, Lebanese radio reported Monday. === Report: Alleged Lebanon spy was tracking Hezbollah for Israel: The Lebanese army had reported Sunday that security officials had detained Jarrah and one other alleged spy suspected of working for the Mossad since the 1980s. === Members of Israeli spy ring 'related to 9/11 hijacker': Two men arrested for running an Israeli spy ring in the Bekaa Valley are relatives of a suicide hijacker who piloted a plane in the September 11, 2001, attacks, a security source told The Daily Star on Sunday. === Demonizing Ahmadinejad: Israel's UN envoy: Dangerous words, like Ahmadinejad's, sparked the Holocaust: "The gas chambers were not the starting point of the Holocaust, but rather the end. The Holocaust began with dangerous words uttered by people," said Israel's new United Nations Ambassador, Professor Gabriella Shalev, in a speech at the UN assembly on Tuesday. === Egypt opens Rafah crossing for 3 days: Ihab al Ghussein, spokesman for the Hamas Interior Ministry said Tuesday more than 1,000 people have already signed up to travel through the crossing, which opened at 8 am local time.§ionid=351020202 === Congo-Kinshasa: U.S. Urged to Take Military Action: The US should help initiate multilateral military action against rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo if a UN force fails to stabilise areas now rocked by turmoil, an influential US-based think tank said last week. === Bolivia Gives US Anti-Drug Team Three Months To Leave: President Evo Morales, a staunch foe of the U.S. government, announced Saturday he was suspending the work of the U.S. DEA Administration in Bolivia, accusing it of having encouraged political unrest that killed 19 people in September. === Colombia's Army Chief Resigns Amid Scandal: Colombian army commander Mario Montoya resigned Tuesday after the government acknowledged that army personnel may have been involved in extrajudicial killings. === Payments to Informants in Colombia Revealed: The Drug Enforcement Administration has paid more than $3.3 million to four confidential informants in an investigation that led to the arrest of a man prosecutors called an international arms dealer, according to court documents. === Lawyer says US trumped up Russian arms dealer charges: A lawyer for alleged Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout accused the US government Tuesday of trumping up charges against him in a bid to secure his extradition from Thailand. === Counting on Democracy: Video: A must see for those concerned by Fair Elections === Economic Darkness Descends on Putin's Russia: Privately, bankers and businessmen warn of a lack of currency to import food and the failure of local producers to replace imports. The supplies of foodstuffs available on Moscow supermarket shelves are shrinking as importers struggle to raise credit to replenish their stocks.,8599,1856037,00.html?iid=tsmodule === Goldman fund loses $990m after 10 months: One of Goldman Sachs's flagship hedge funds, run by two of the Wall Street bank's most talented traders, has lost close to $1bn since its launch in January in further evidence of the crisis facing the industry.

Let us work towards Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Information Clearing House NewsletterNews You Won't Find On CNN
November 11, 2008

"Military glory -- the attractive rainbow that rises in showers of blood." - Abraham Lincoln - (1809-1865) 16th US President =
"The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it... Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate... Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - (1929-1968), US civil rights leader === Click here to read this newsletter online: =

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq "1,284,105"


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America'sWar On Iraq 4,193

The War And Occupation Of Iraq Costs

See the cost in your community

=== War is a Racket
Remembering The Victims of Those Who Profit From War By Chycho How unfortunate that we have a need for such a day, especially since "War is a racket It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives." So stated Major General Smedley D. Butler, USMC, the most decorated Marine in US history. === In case you missed it Major General Smedley Butler, USMC. Audio Documentary - Runtime 29 Minutes He joined the Marine Corps when the Spanish American War broke out, earned the Brevette Medal during the Boxer Rebellion in China, saw action in Central America, and in France during World War I was promoted to Major General. Smedley Butler served his country for 34 years, yet he spoke against American armed intervention into the affairs of sovereign nations. === For What Did They Die? By Joseph L. Galloway A homeless Vietnam veteran patrols the black granite panels. He tells us that he has cancer and is having a hard time getting any benefits from the Veterans Administration. He lives in a mission that houses those who have nowhere else to go, but the doors don't open until 11 p.m. === "Martin, Malcolm, Obama, and Nader." By Doug Tarnopol We refuse to believe that the bank of justice is as bankrupt as our treasury. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so, whether Obama prevails or not, we must cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice -- the freedom of economic justice and the justice of economic security. === Common Sense: A Revolutionary Idea 10 Minute Video Would there be a revolution, if every American saw this? The time is now. === Remember Arafat? By Mike Whitney On this--the anniversary of the death of Yasir Arafat--what better tribute to the man than some positive sign that the Palestinians will be helped by Washington to achieve their goal of establishing an independent state. It all starts with Obama and the hope that he will defend the voiceless victims of repression who desperately want peace and a better future for their children. === A Quiet Windfall For U.S. Banks With Attention on Bailout Debate, Treasury Made Change to Tax Policy By Amit R. Paley The financial world was fixated on Capitol Hill as Congress battled over the Bush administration's request for a $700 billion bailout of the banking industry. In the midst of this late-September drama, the Treasury Department issued a five-sentence notice that attracted almost no public attention. ==== Global systemic crisis Alert For Summer 2009: The US Government Will Default On Its Debt By GEAB Our researchers anticipate that, before next summer 2009, the US government will default and be prevented to pay back its creditors (holders of US Treasury Bonds, of Fanny May and Freddy Mac shares, etc.). Of course such a bankruptcy will provoke some very negative outcome for all USD-denominated asset holders. === The DOW a year from now By Denver Research Group Without new dollars flowing on a consistent basis to middle class consumers, many analysts believe the DOW would necessarily fall below the level of the post, post 9/11 crash of 2002 (8,000)...most likely to the range of 6,500-7,000. === 13 militants killed in Pakistan: At least 13 Islamic militants were killed in clashes with government troops in north-west Pakistan while Taliban gunmen seized a convoy of trucks carrying military vehicles and supplies for NATO troops in Afghanistan, security officials said Tuesday. === 4 killed in Pakistan suicide bombing: A suicide bomber has killed three people and injured up to 13 others outside a sports stadium in the Pakistani city of Peshawar. === Afghanistan: Roadside bomb kills 4: : A ROADSIDE bomb blast in the western province of Herat has killed four people, including the province's security chief and the head of the attorney-general's office. === 3 Killed in fresh bombs hit Baghdad rush hour: The two bombs exploded in quick succession in mainly Shia eastern Baghdad during the morning rush hour. === U.S. draft is rejected by Iraqis: Iraq's government spokesman said yesterday the proposed U.S. changes to a draft security agreement were "not enough" and asked Washington to offer new amendments if it wants the pact to win parliamentary approval. === Biden told not to change Iran policy: Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni has warned the US vice president-elect against changing the Bush White House policies toward Iran.§ionid=3510203 === Ex-KGB general cautions US against Iran war: A former KGB general and Russian prime minister says a war on Iran would produce a question mark over the Republican Party's sanity.§ionid=351020104 === IAEA 'doubts anti-Iran files authenticity': "The new evidence of possible fraud has increased pressure within the IAEA secretariat to distance the agency from the laptop documents," a source close to the International Atomic Energy Agency told Raw Story.§ionid=351020104 === In case you missed it: Iran Nuke Laptop Data Came from Terror Group: . German officials have identified the source of the laptop documents in November 2004 as the Mujahideen e Khalq (MEK), which along with its political arm, the National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI), is listed by the U.S. State Department as a terrorist organisation. === Europeans Get Peace Commitment From Hamas: Following intensive negotiations with Hamas, the de facto leadership of Gaza, a group of European parliamentarians has been told by the organization that it will accept a Palestinian state within the internationally recognized 1967 borders as well as offer Israel a long-term ceasefire. === Hamas denies holding secret talks with Obama's advisors: "The government reiterates that it doesn't reject holding such kinds of contacts or meetings, but it hasn't happened. But if it happens, we won't be hesitant or afraid to declare about it," said Hamas government. ==== Divided Palestinians mourn Arafat: Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, has launched a bitter attack on the rival Hamas movement as he attended events to mark the fourth anniversary of the death of Yasser Arafat, the former Palsetinian leader. === UN warns Gaza food aid may end: The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) aid agency said Tuesday that it will have to halt food distribution to 750,000 needy Gazans by Friday if Israel keeps the territory sealed. === Bolivia Requests US Extradite Former President, 2 Ex-Ministers: Bolivia on Monday asked the U.S. to extradite a former Bolivian president and two of his ministers to face charges of genocide and fraud, the Bolivian Embassy in Washington said. === Obama: No decision on trying Guantanamo detainees: U.S. President-elect Barack Obama has made no decision on how try detainees at Guantanamo Bay but remains committed to closing the prison, a senior foreign policy adviser said on Monday as human rights groups urged swift action. === New Gitmo policy will take time to formulate, advisers say: Barack Obama has said repeatedly that he wants to shutter the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, that holds accused terrorists. But aides cautioned Monday that the president-elect isn't close to reaching a decision on how to do it.,0,1175272.story === Release of three prisoners highlights failures of Guantánamo: On the eve of the Presidential election, three prisoners - one from Kazakhstan, one from Tajikistan and one from Somaliland - were released from Guantánamo, and their stories neatly encapsulate many of the chronic failures relating to the prisoners' initial arrest and detention that still plague the prison as the new administration begins considering how to shut it down. === Mystery of lost US nuclear bomb: The United States abandoned a nuclear weapon beneath the ice in northern Greenland following a crash in 1968, a BBC investigation has found. === Palin wants God to show her way to White House: The devoutly religious 44-year-old mother-of-five said that if God wanted her to run for the highest office, she hoped to be shown the way. === Government Announces New Program for At-Risk Mortgages: The goal of the new program would be for borrowers' annual mortgage payment to equal 38 percent of annual income. The companies would do that by extending the loan term, reducing the interest rate and, if necessary, delaying payment on a part of the principal of the loan. If a borrower is able to meet payments for three months, the change becomes permanent. === Citigroup freezes US home repossessions: Citi said it was imposing a moratorium on foreclosures for all clients willing to work "in good faith" to restructure mortgages, as long as they have sufficient income to make payments of some sort. === Where Homes Are Worth Less Than the Mortgage: While home values have declined across the country, in some places the declines are so sharp that people owe more on their mortgages than their houses are worth === Fed Refuses To Identify Recipients Of $2 Trillion In Emergency Taxpayer Loans: The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral. === UK: Now banks raise credit card costs: Banks have increased interest rates on credit and debit cards held by tens of millions of shoppers despite the cost of borrowing falling to its lowest level for more than 50 years, research for The Independent reveals today. === American Express approved to be bank holding company: American Express has announced to cut 7,000 jobs, or nearly 10 percent of its global work force after it reported last month that its profit fell 24 percent in the third quarter. === US Postal Service Looks To Cut 40,000 Jobs In First Layoff In History: "We lost 2 billion dollars and like any other business we have to stay afloat." And to keep from sinking, the United States Postal Service is considering cutting thousands of jobs nationwide. === Starbucks 4Q profit drops 97 pct on closure costs: Seattle-based Starbucks said profit in the quarter fell 97 percent to $5.4 million, or a penny a share, from $158.5 million, or 21 cents per share. ===

Let us work towards Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley